How the application starts:

When The User just turned on his phone, no applications are running except those that are belong to the operating system. Your Application is not running. After the User taps your app icon, Springboard the part of the OS, that operates the home screen of iOS, launches your app. Your app and the shared libraries it needs to execute, will be loaded into the memory, while springboard animates your app’s launch screen. eventually your app begins execution and application delegate receives the notifications.

During startup, the UIApplicationMain function sets up several key objects and starts the app running. At the heart of every iOS app is the UIApplication object, whose job is to facilitate the interactions between the system and other objects in the app.

The Main run Loop

Run Loop is a mechanism that allows threads to process events at any time without exiting.

An app’s main run loop processes all user-related events. The UIApplication object sets up the main run loop at launch time and uses it to process events and handle updates to view-based interfaces. As the name suggests, the main run loop executes on the app’s main thread. This behavior ensures that user-related events are processed serially in the order in which they were received.

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Events are queued internally by the app and dispatched one-by-one to the main run loop for execution. The UIApplication object is the first object to receive the event and make the decision about what needs to be done. A touch event is usually dispatched to the main window object, which in turn dispatches it to the view in which the touch occurred.


The centralized point of control and coordination for apps running in iOS.

Every iOS app has exactly one instance of UIApplication (or, very rarely, a subclass of UIApplication). When an app is launched, the system calls the UIApplicationMain(_:_:_:_:) function; among its other tasks, this function creates a Singleton UIApplication object. Thereafter you access the object by calling the shared class method.

A major role of your app’s application object is to handle the initial routing of incoming user events. It dispatches action messages forwarded to it by control objects (instances of the UIControl class) to appropriate target objects. The application object maintains a list of open windows (UIWindow objects) and through those can retrieve any of the app’s UIView objects.

App State

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Process Life Cycle

The lunch cycle

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Launching an app into the foreground

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Launching an app into the background

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Moving from the foreground to the background

Execution Methods


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